
Category: P

Description: Caryophyllene dominant. Also features notable amounts of Limonene, Humulene, and Myrcene, while typically low in Pinene

Examples of products and their compasses in this category and how the compass expression can vary while still placing the product in Purple:


Proximity to other categories:

Closest Categories: Purple is close to both the Yellow and Red categories. Purple is just slightly closer to the Yellow category overall. C%20Closest_sm

Furthest Category: Purple is the farthest from Blue.


Because of the Purple category’s proximity to Yellow or Red sometimes products in this category can flip flop to either of these other categories. For example, this product flips to Red when there is slightly less Caryophyllene and slightly more Myrcene. It can flip to Yellow with less Caryophyllene and more Limonene.
